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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Visualization: Just Imagine

This week we have a another great post from our student contributor Samantha Ege:

If someone asked you the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?,” you would probably think of some sort of career goal, relationship status, or maybe a new dwelling to call home. You might start to think about the ‘hows’; how on Earth are you going to get that job, relationship, or that new home. Obviously one would have to take the proper steps to get there, getting experience, meeting new people, looking in the reality market, but just thinking about it can help you achieve these life goals!

Visualization is a psychological asset in which someone imagines specific aspects of a desire, an object, or even a life goal. We have all heard of the phrase, “Keep your eye on the prize”, well this is true, reminding yourself about what you want in life, or where you want to be, or have, can keep yourself focused on you goal, and help you achieve it. If you’re in a rough patch in your life, for example, maybe you’re sick, visualization, along with proper medical assistance, can help your body heal itself. Visualizing yourself as a whole and healthy human being motivates your body to attain that goal. Another example could mean if you want your own family in the future, visualizing yourself with a happy and healthy family can ultimately assist you in finding that family.

Visualization can help with depression, anxiety, and other psychological struggles as well. Take anxiety, for example, when you’re feeling anxious or feel overwhelmed, visualize yourself in a new setting, imagine yourself in “your happy place”, and those feelings you imagined will ultimately become real. This has been a common tool in Psychology for quite some time, we have all probably heard of “Just find your happy place”, but it does work.

When someone visualizes their goals, the mind takes these desires into account and little by little you start moving towards your goal, even if you do not realize it every time. Visualization can help ease the stress of achievement and can help move us along on the way to achieving our own goals.

If you want any more information about visualization, you can check out the link below:

Baumgartner, J. (2011, November 8). Visualize It. Retrieved September 06, 2016, from